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Conservation Easement Attorney

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Table of Contents

    Introduction: A Glimpse into the Complex World of Conservation Easements

    In the investment and tax deductions world, syndicated conservation easements have surfaced as both a fascinating opportunity and a potential civil / criminal tax pitfall. These arrangements typically involve investors purchasing land development projects at low prices, which are then valued at much higher rates and donated to charity. While this offers the potential for hefty charitable deductions on tax returns, the government’s eagle eyes are acutely aware of these tactics and are dedicated to countering any perceived abuse / tax evasion.

    The Concept of Conservation Easements: An Overview

    By their nature, conservation easements demand the donation to be legally binding and impose permanent restrictions on property use, modification, and development. This property can be varied, ranging from parks, wetlands, farmland, forest land, scenic areas, historic land, or even historic structures. The critical requirement is that these restrictions on the property must last in perpetuity, signifying that these restrictions are not temporary but rather permanent, intended to uphold the conservation value of the land indefinitely. As such, current and future owners of the easement and the underlying property are legally bound by the terms of the conservation easement deed.

    According to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 170(h), a qualified conservation contribution refers to the contribution of a qualified real property interest. In other words, it’s a restriction, existing forever, on the use that can be made of the real property. This contribution must be made to a qualified organization and used exclusively for conservation purposes. Hence, the IRC and corresponding treasury regulations layout detailed requirements that must be met to make a contribution deductible.

    Recognizing the Different Categories of Conservation Contributions

    As per the IRC § 170(h)(4)(A), four categories of conservation contributions are deductible:

    • Preservation of land areas for outdoor recreation by, or the education of, the general public;
    • Protection of relatively natural habitat of fish, wildlife, plants, or similar ecosystems;
    • Preservation of open space, including farmland and forest land; and
    • Preservation of a historically important land area or a certified historic structure.

    Evaluating the Value of Conservation Easements

    The determination of the value of a conservation easement is a precise process. It needs a qualified appraisal prepared and signed by a qualified appraiser. The contribution value is typically the fair market value (FMV) of the conservation easement at the time of the contribution. The FMV is based on these comparables’ sales prices in cases with substantial sales records of conservation easements similar to the donated one. However, suppose there’s no significant record of such sales. In that case, the value generally becomes the difference between the FMV of the underlying property before and after granting the easement to the donee. In most situations, a before-and-after valuation is used because there isn’t a substantial record of comparable sales.

    Facing potential tax penalties due to an investment in a syndicated conservation easement?

    You might have been swayed by an investment promoter promising highly attractive returns via considerable tax deductions. If you’re an investor who got entangled in a conservation easement product through your investment in a partnership or LLC, the Tax Law Office of David W. Klasing are ready to assist you in mitigating the losses related to this scheme. The IRS has a robust team of attorneys, auditors and criminal investigators set to crack down on these fraudulent tax shelters, and they are stringently tracking everyone involved, including promoters and uninformed investors.

    Get in touch with our highly experienced team of dual-licensed Attorneys and CPAs to delve into the specifics of your investment in conservation easements and to explore the legal strategies available to protect you from further losses.

    We pride ourselves on our proficiency in advocating for investors who have incurred losses due to fraudulent investment schemes. We are adept at navigating the complexities of the IRS’s efforts to clamp down on syndicated conservation easements (SCEs), and we can clarify your legal alternatives. By synchronizing efforts with the Department of Justice (DOJ), the IRS is intensifying its civil and criminal tax investigations into syndicated conservation easements. Our team is committed to representing both promoters and investors facing civil and criminal tax enforcement action. Our primary objective is securing the best possible relief for both promoters and investors, and we will tenaciously strive to achieve that outcome.

    With the heightened scrutiny on conservation easement deductions from the IRS and federal authorities, investors and promoters must tread with extreme caution. Those involved in overvalued or improperly valued conservation easements – taxpayers, return preparers, appraisers, and others – could face civil and criminal tax penalties. Hence, the heightened vigilance and crackdown on these potential tax shelters make it imperative for promoters and investors to be thoroughly versed in the legalities surrounding these agreements and to ensure diligent compliance with the regulations.

    Therefore, engaging with experienced legal counsel when venturing into these intricate tax matters is highly advisable.

    David W. Klasing: Your Ally in Navigating Conservation Easement Tax Laws

    Navigating the labyrinth of tax laws and regulations is no small feat, mainly when it involves something as intricate and complex as conservation easement deductions. This is where the importance of a skilled tax attorney, one intimately familiar with the nuances of conservation easements, cannot be overstated. At this pivotal juncture, the Tax Law Office of David W. Klasing is your beacon in the often murky waters of conservation easement tax law.

    David W. Klasing Esq.CPA M.S.-Tax, at the firm’s helm, brings an uncommon & rare blend of skills to the table. Boasting dual licenses, he simultaneously wears the hats of both an Attorney and Certified Public Accounted specializing in Taxation, Estate Planning, and Business Law. An “A” rated member of the Better Business Bureau and a distinguished legal professional with a 10.0 AVVO rating, Mr. Klasing’s reputation is a testament to his track record of success.

    Armed with nearly 30 years of professional tax, accounting, and business consulting experience, Mr. Klasing’s extensive grasp of federal and California state tax codes, regulations, and case law is unmatched. His services range from Tax Controversy Representation, Planning & Compliance Services to Civil and Criminal Tax Defense, providing a comprehensive umbrella of tax law services.

    As a former auditor, Mr. Klasing uses his public accounting experience to steer his clients clear of potential tax problems proactively. Should issues arise, his aggressive stance during audits, criminal tax investigations, and tax litigation ensures your interests remain safeguarded. With a sustained track record of securing favorable client outcomes, Mr. Klasing is a powerful ally in your corner. In these times of increased scrutiny on conservation easement deductions, having competent, aggressive representation is not just desirable but essential. You need a guide who can demystify the maze of tax codes and regulations and fiercely defend your interests when necessary.

    This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of conservation easement deductions, the regulations that govern them, and the potential pitfalls and legal implications that may arise in their wake. We intend to arm you with knowledge, so you can make informed decisions and protect your financial interests.

    Decoding Conservation Easement Deductions and Navigating IRS Regulations

    A Conservation Easement Deduction is more than just a tax incentive—it’s a strategic tool promoting environmental, historical, and cultural preservation. This provision of the U.S. tax code enables landowners to voluntarily restrict their property’s development in exchange for a tax deduction, reflecting the appraised value of the relinquished property rights.

    The Deed of Conservation Easement: A Vital Document

    At the heart of this process is the “deed of a conservation easement,” a document executed in the public record that delineates the conservation purpose, permissible uses of the property, and the imposed restrictions. While landowners maintain ownership, they must yield certain rights as specified in the deed. This deed creates a perpetual interest in the encumbered property, enforceable by the donee organization and binding on future property owners.

    Unpacking the Statutory Provisions for Conservation Easement Deductions

    Claiming a noncash charitable contribution deduction for donating a conservation easement necessitates adherence to numerous statutory provisions. Inadequacies can occur in many forms, such as:

    • Failure to meet charitable contributions rules;
    • Noncompliance with substantiation requirements;
    • Inadequate documentation of or lack of conservation purpose;
    • Lack of perpetuity evidenced by terms in the deeds;
    • Reserved property rights inconsistent with the conservation purpose;
    • Failure to comply with subordination rules;
    • Inappropriate appraisal methodologies; and
    • Overvalued conservation easements.

    The IRS vigilantly combats conservation easement tax schemes involving inflated appraisals and misuse of tax provisions, thus making compliance with IRS regulations a high-stakes endeavor.

    Understanding the Basics of Charitable Contributions

    At the core of a conservation easement is a charitable contribution: a voluntary transfer of money or property to a qualifying organization, made with charitable intent and without expectation of adequate consideration. This contribution is only deductible when there’s a signed deed from the donor, acceptance by the qualified organization, and is not a conditional gift.

    However, there’s no deductible charitable contribution until specific criteria are met. For instance, earmarked contributions are not deductible; only contributions completed within the taxable year can be deducted.

    The Importance of Substantiating Noncash Contributions

    Successful conservation easement deductions hinge on proper substantiation. For a conservation easement, the required documents include a contemporaneous written acknowledgment from the charity, a completed Form 8283 with a supplemental statement, a recorded deed, a qualified appraisal for contributions over $5,000, and a baseline study. These requirements vary depending on several factors, including the date of the contribution, the nature and value of the contribution, and the type of property contributed.

    Let the seasoned dual-licensed Attorneys and CPAs at the Tax Law Office of David W. Klasing become your navigator in this complex web of regulations. With a dual license to practice as an Attorney and Certified Public Accountant in Taxation, Estate Planning, and Business Law, Mr. Klasing’s extensive understanding of federal and California state tax codes, regulations, and case law is your asset. In these times of heightened scrutiny of conservation easement deductions, having an ally like Mr. Klasing—who can help you avoid pitfalls, stand firm in audits, & achieve damage control in criminal tax investigations, while zealously protecting your net worth and very liberty—is not only beneficial but absolutely essential.

    Understanding Conservation Easement Deductions

    Navigating the complexities of conservation easement deductions necessitates a clear understanding of several vital notions and terminologies.

    What is a Qualified Real Property Interest?

    The basis of a conservation easement deduction lies in a “Qualified Real Property Interest.” This pertains to any of the following interests in real property as defined in IRC § 170(h)(2):

    • The complete interest of the donor, excluding a qualified mineral interest;
    • A remainder interest;
    • A restriction, granted indefinitely, on the potential usage of the real property, often referred to as a conservation easement;

    What are the Different Types of Real Property Interests?

    There are primarily three types of real property interests:

    1. The entire interest of the donor: Indicates full ownership of the property by the donor;
    2. Remainder interest: Emerges when the donor contributes the property but retains the usage rights during their lifetime; and
    3. Restricted interest: Arises when the donor relinquishes the right to develop, mine, or make alterations that could impact its conservation value.

    What are Qualified Organizations and Their Functions?

    “Qualified organizations” play a crucial role in the conservation easement deduction. As per the Internal Revenue Code sections § 170(b)(1)(A)(vi), § 501(c)(3), and § 509(a)(2) and (a)(3), these may include:

    • The Federal government, a U.S. possession, the District of Columbia, a state government, or any political subdivision of a state or U.S. possession;
    • An organization that satisfies the public support test; and
    • A charity that is controlled by one of the organizations mentioned above.

    Their primary function is to enforce the easement’s terms and indefinitely safeguard the property’s conservation values.

    What is the Perpetuity Requirement?

    A critical condition for a valid conservation easement deduction is the “Perpetuity Requirement.” It mandates that the real property interest should be restricted indefinitely, and the conservation purpose should be protected in perpetuity as per § 170(h)(5)(A). The deed must include a restriction indefinitely safeguard the property’s conservation values. However, a deed of conservation easement that does not adhere to these requirements will not be deductible.

    Why are Recording Easements Important?

    The conservation easement deed must be officially registered in the appropriate recordation office of the property’s location as per Treas. Reg. § 1.170A-14(g)(1). This legally recognizes the easement and guarantees its enforceability, even if the property changes ownership. If the property has a mortgage or lien at the time the easement is recorded, the easement contribution will not be deductible unless the mortgagee or lien holder subordinates its rights to those of the donee organization to enforce the conservation purposes of the easement indefinitely. All attachments or exhibits to the deed, such as easement restriction descriptions, maps, and lender agreements, may also need to be recorded.

    What Does Allocation of Proceeds in Deed and Lender Agreements Mean?

    Allocation of Proceeds in Deed and Lender Agreements” signifies how the proceeds from the extinguishment or condemnation of the easement are divided between the donor and the recipient organization.

    As per Treas. Reg. § 1.170A-14(g)(6)(ii), IRS regulations necessitate that, if the easement is extinguished, the donee must be entitled to a portion of the proceeds at least equivalent to the proportionate value of the easement to assure the conservation purpose is ultimately fulfilled.

    To claim a charitable contribution deduction for the donation of a conservation easement, the donor must agree at the time of the gift that the donation gives rise to a property right, immediately vested in the donee organization, with a fair market value at least equal to the proportionate value that the perpetual conservation restriction at the time of the gift bears to the value of the property as a whole.

    Role and Responsibilities of Donee Organizations in Conservation Easement Deductions

    Donee organizations have pivotal responsibilities in maintaining and enforcing the terms of conservation easement deductions. Their obligations extend from upholding the property’s conservation values to conducting regular monitoring programs. Specific special considerations also apply to buildings in registered historic districts.

    Who is an Eligible Donee?

    An eligible donee, as defined in IRC § 170(h)(3) and Treas. Reg. § 1.170A-14(c) must satisfy the following criteria:

    • The donee should be a “Qualified Organization
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    Our headquarters is located in Irvine, CA. Our beautiful 19,700 office space is staffed full-time and always available for our clients to meet with our highly qualified and experienced staff of Attorneys, Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents. We also offer virtual consultations and can travel to meet with clients in one of our satellite offices.

    Outside of our 4 hour initial consultation option, we do not charge travel time or travel expenses when traveling to one of our Satellite offices, or surrounding business districts, where it is necessary to meet personally with taxing authority personnel, make court appearances, or any in person meeting deemed necessary for the effective representation of a client. To make this as flexible, efficient, and convenient as possible, David W. Klasing is an Instrument Rated Private Pilot and Utilizes the Firms Cirrus SR22 to service client’s in California and in the Southwest by air. Offices outside these areas are serviced via commercial jet airlines. None of these costs are charged to our clients.

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