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Las Vegas Federal Tax Litigation Attorney

Awards & Recognition

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Table of Contents

    Living in Las Vegas, a city known for its lively entertainment, bustling casinos, thriving businesses, and mixed crowds, comes with its share of financial complexities. These complexities often lead to federal tax problems that are difficult to navigate. When you disagree with the IRS on your tax dues, it can feel like a high-risk gamble. In such cases, hiring a tax litigation attorney isn’t just a wise choice; it’s a necessity.

    Challenging the IRS doesn’t always mean you have to go to court. The IRS and taxpayer’s tax counsel often agree on a solution without going to court. But when no agreement can be found, going to court becomes the only option. If an audit doesn’t go your way, you can either accept what the IRS is selling or prepare to fight for your rights via tax litigation. Unfortunately, the IRS quite often gets either the facts or the law wrong in determining the additional tax, penalties, and interest they attempt to assess in an audit. You can either push back or set a precedent with the IRS of being willing to be treated unfairly.

    Not many people want to take on the IRS and its team of agents, investigators, and attorneys. Most taxpayers’ goal after getting notice of a substantial tax issue is to solve it quickly and cheaply. But a quick solution might not be possible when dealing with significant IRS tax debts, claims of tax fraud, or business tax problems. In these tricky situations, going to court to fight the IRS with the help of a tax lawyer could be the only acceptable choice.

    At the Tax Law Offices of David W. Klasing, our team is spearheaded by professionals with exceptional experience in tax litigation. Our principal, David W. Klasing Esq. CPA M.S.-Tax is among a small, elite group of professionals with dual licensing as an Attorney and CPA. This unique combination allows him to approach tax litigation from dual perspectives, providing you with a comprehensive, tactical advantage. Our firm assists in resolving administrative and tax litigation disputes, vigorously advocating for our clients when litigation is in their best interest and no viable alternative exists.

    Boasting an “A+” rating from the Better Business Bureau and a perfect 10.0 from AVVO, Mr. Klasing is steadfastly committed to offering premium Tax Litigation Representation, Planning & Compliance Services, and Criminal Tax Representation for businesses and individuals alike.

    Our office transcends the traditional definition of a legal service provider; it’s a nucleus of tax litigation experience with a long track record of success under the leadership of one of the nation’s most uniquely qualified tax professionals. Amidst an estimated 1.1 million attorneys and 560k CPAs in the U.S., only 24k professionals simultaneously carry both licenses. Among those, a mere fraction—approximately 3,000—have additionally earned a Master’s in Taxation. David W. Klasing is part of this select group, bringing his unparalleled education, credentials, and experience to zealously serve our clients in their tax litigation needs.

    David’s proven expertise is now available in Las Vegas at our satellite office, providing both legal and tax services in one place—at a single cost. As an instrument-rated private pilot, David will fly his Cirrus SR22 to the new office, meeting clients without additional travel expenses. Additionally, we are introducing a flexible scheduling option where clients can reserve a four-hour slotat any of our satellite locations and David W. Klasing, an instrument-rated private pilot, will personally travel in the firm’s fast and efficient Cirrus SR22 to any of our satellite offices to meet with you. We have designed this service to benefit our clients, with no additional travel expenses added to your bill.

    If you find yourself entangled in federal tax issues in Las Vegas, the Tax Law Offices of David W. Klasing is your perfect solution! We deliver personalized legal and tax advice to fit your needs, promising a unique mix of skill, dedication, and affordability in your city. To make the most of our new half-day scheduling option without extra travel costs, call us at 800-681-1295 or complete our online contact form today.

    Am I Involved in a Tax Dispute?

    A tax dispute usually happens when a person or company disagrees with the amount of taxes penalties and interest the IRS says they owe or when a taxpayer believes they should get a refund. Tax litigation is how these disagreements, which can mask underlying latent criminal tax matters, are presented, looked at, and decided in the proper legal place.

    Where Could My Tax Litigation Case be Heard?

    Tax litigation can include civil tax disputes which can involve clandestine criminal tax issues at the federal level and may be heard in different places. These include the U.S. Tax Court, which only deals with federal tax disagreements; the U.S. District Court, where tax cases may be heard with other federal issues; and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, which may look at tax disagreements during bankruptcy proceedings.

    Tax litigation is a structured legal process through which disputes concerning taxes are presented, scrutinized, and settled in the appropriate legal forum. These disputes can arise from various tax-related concerns, such as civil and criminal tax matters, audits, administrative appeals, and international tax issues. Consulting with an experienced dual-licensed Tax Litigation Attorney and CPA is essential due to the intricate nature of tax law. Our team can assist you in addressing potential disputes and understanding your standing before venturing into a tax audit.

    What Triggers Criminal Tax Exposure in Civil Litigation?

    Criminal tax exposure can arise in civil tax litigation when a taxpayer is suspected of perpetrating tax crimes at the federal level, like tax evasion, filing fraudulent tax returns, or hiding foreign assets. This process includes a thorough investigation by the IRS, possible criminal tax charges, and subsequent court proceedings. During the probe, IRS agents rigorously examine taxpayers’ financial records and tax returns to unearth signs of illegal activities. They use sophisticated data analytics and forensic accounting techniques and collaborate with other law enforcement agencies to bolster their case. The case may be referred to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for prosecution if convincing evidence of criminal activity is discovered. Taxpayers charged with a criminal tax offense can face severe penalties, including fines, restitution, and potentially imprisonment. The specific consequences may vary depending on the crime and the jurisdiction.

    How Does Civil Tax Litigation Begin?

    Civil tax litigation usually commences when the IRS attempts to assess additional tax penalties and interest after an audit. In this case, the IRS agent delivers an examination report to the taxpayer detailing the changes made to their tax return. This report is accompanied by a letter notifying the taxpayer of their right to challenge these proposed modifications within 30 days. An appeal generally involves a meeting with an IRS Appeals Officer and submitting a formal written protest. This protest should detail the taxpayer’s disagreement with the proposed changes and the logic behind the dispute.

    What Happens if I Don’t Respond to IRS Notifications or Fail to Reach an Agreement?

    Should the taxpayer not respond to the 30-day letter or fail to reach an agreement with the IRS Appeals Office, the taxpayer will typically receive a notice of deficiency. This notice gives the taxpayer a 90-day window to petition the U.S. Tax Court. If there’s no response to this 90-day letter, the IRS will impose the amount stated in the notice of deficiency, even if the suggested changes were made in error.

    Rethink Before Allowing Your CPA, EA, or Certified Tax Preparer to Handle Your Tax Appeal

    In the face of a tax appeal, the thought of entrusting the process to your Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Enrolled Agent (EA), or certified tax preparer might occur naturally. After all, they’ve been dealing with your taxes and are familiar with your financial landscape. However, this decision might lead to complications with grave implications. Let’s break down why:

    1. Legal Limitations: A tax court petition is inherently a legal process that calls for the expertise of a licensed tax attorney. While adept at handling financial matters, CPAs, EAs, or certified tax preparers lack this legal authorization and the nuanced legal understanding necessary to steer such processes successfully and could be found liable for the unauthorized practice of law for filing a tax court petition.
    2. Inadequate Courtroom Skills: Lawyers are primed in the art of persuasion and understand the ins and outs of evidence rules—both indispensable during a tax appeal. On the other hand, CPAs and tax preparers may excel in crunching numbers but usually fall short regarding these crucial legal skills. Only an attorney can represent you in front of the tax court unless the non-attorney tax practitioner has passed an exam with an estimated 1% pass rate.
    3. Navigating Tax Procedure: The landscape of tax litigation is littered with specific procedures that demand meticulous adherence. Any missteps can put your case at risk. While a CPA or tax preparer may be proficient in tax preparation, they ordinarily struggle to maneuver these complex tax litigation procedures.
    4. Unprepared & Unqualified Regarding any Latent Criminal Tax Issues: If your litigation turns for the worse and criminal tax issues surface, a CPA or tax preparer will be ill-equipped to manage them. Such issues necessitate a specific legal defense, which falls outside the training sphere of CPAs and tax preparers. Worse yet, the non-attorney can be forced to be a witness against you in the worst-case scenario because they lack Attorney Client and Work product privileges.
    5. Lack of Attorney-Client Privilege: When you converse with your attorney, your verbal and written communications are protected by the attorney-client privilege. They ordinarily remain legally non-discoverable by the government unless you choose to disclose them. This privilege doesn’t extend to your CPA or tax preparer. If a lawsuit ensues, they might be compelled to testify, inadvertently becoming a government witness against you.

    At the Tax Law Offices of David W. Klasing, we’re more than just another tax law firm. We’re a powerhouse in the tax law domain, earning recognition as one of the top tax law firms in the nation. Our track record, decorated with numerous awards and media mentions, echoes our excellence in the field. This highlights the critical need for professional representation in tax litigation cases.

    In contrast to CPAs, EAs, or certified tax preparers, our dual licensed Tax Attorneys & CPA are armed with a deep understanding of tax law necessary to untangle the intricacies of tax appeals. Non-attorney professionals lack the legal training to handle evidence effectively, persuade the court, navigate tax procedures, or to delicately deal with any latent criminal tax issues that might arise during tax litigation. Furthermore, the absence of attorney-client privilege can put your case at risk. Handing such significant matters to professionals lacking the appropriate skills might lead to disastrous outcomes. Therefore, entrusting your case to our seasoned dual-licensed Tax Litigation Attorneys and CPAs significantly improves your chances for a positive resolution, even in the complex federal tax litigation setting of Las Vegas.

    Why Choose the Tax Office of David W Klasing to Handle Tax Litigation

    In the uniquely dynamic city of Las Vegas, an unfavorable federal tax situation can feel like a losing bet. Yet, you’re not without options. You can either concede to the demands of the IRS or let our proficient team at the Tax Law Offices of David W. Klasing take a stand for you. It might surprise you that with a 98% settlement rate, the IRS prefers to avoid litigation just as much as you do. Our strategy is uncomplicated but effective; we assess your situation, and if we see the potential for improvement through the appeals and litigation process, we will inform you and step up to represent you. Your fair treatment by the tax authorities always precedes our understandable financial interests in earning a living.

    Our steadfast commitment to our clients is mirrored in our impeccable track record. We’ve yet to face a loss in tax court. We only take on your case if we believe in our ability to secure a win. Our proficiency covers federal issues, offshore asset matters, voluntary disclosures, and IRS audits. The complexity of international tax issues can overwhelm any taxpayer caught in a tax dispute. Clients entrust their cases to us, relying on our deep understanding of the tax controversy process and the respect we’ve garnered from the IRS and other domestic and foreign tax authorities.

    Most tax disputes can be amicably resolved through agreement or administrative settlement. However, sometimes, the only option left for a taxpayer is to pursue justice in federal tax court. This journey may be fraught with potential risks but also opens new opportunities.

    To make our services as accessible as possible, we’ve introduced a convenient scheduling option. Additionally, we are introducing a flexible scheduling option where clients can reserve a four-hour slot at any of our satellite locations and David W. Klasing, an instrument-rated private pilot, will personally travel in the firm’s fast and efficient Cirrus SR22 to any of our satellite offices to meet with you. We have designed this service to benefit our clients, with no additional travel expenses added to your bill.

    Turn your tax complications into victories with us. Call us at 800-681-1295 to arrange a reduced rate initial consultation or fill out our contact form today.

    Dave's Cirrus plane
    David Klasing's Las Vegas office

    Tax Help Videos

    Representing Clients from U.S. and International Locations Regarding Federal and California Tax Issues

    tax lawyers

    Main Office

    Orange County
    2601 Main St. Penthouse Suite
    Irvine, CA 92614
    (949) 681-3502

    Our headquarters is located in Irvine, CA. Our beautiful 19,700 office space is staffed full-time and always available for our clients to meet with our highly qualified and experienced staff of Attorneys, Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents. We also offer virtual consultations and can travel to meet with clients in one of our satellite offices.

    Outside of our 4 hour initial consultation option, we do not charge travel time or travel expenses when traveling to one of our Satellite offices, or surrounding business districts, where it is necessary to meet personally with taxing authority personnel, make court appearances, or any in person meeting deemed necessary for the effective representation of a client. To make this as flexible, efficient, and convenient as possible, David W. Klasing is an Instrument Rated Private Pilot and Utilizes the Firms Cirrus SR22 to service client’s in California and in the Southwest by air. Offices outside these areas are serviced via commercial jet airlines. None of these costs are charged to our clients.

    Satellite Offices

    (310) 492-5583
    (760) 338-7035
    (916) 290-6625
    (415) 287-6568
    (909) 991-7557
    (619) 780-2538
    (661) 432-1480
    (818) 935-6098
    (805) 200-4053
    (510) 764-1020
    (408) 643-0573
    (760) 338-7035
    (602) 975-0296
    New Mexico
    (505) 206-5308
    New York
    (332) 224-8515
    (512) 828-6646
    Washington, DC
    (202) 918-9329
    (702) 997-6465
    (786) 999-8406
    (385) 501-5934